I’ve really had it with the liberal media and their attempt to politicize every bad thing that happens to us in order to bring down our current prexy. In the midst of our latest crisis, the Dos Equis er Corona virus, some reporters had the gall to ask our prexy why he is referring to the virus as the “China virus” since that would not be politically correct. The prexy had a simple answer for them (and punks like late night “comedians” who also called him out on it): the virus originated in China. Duh. Would it have been better if he called it the “Budweiser virus” or maybe the “Coors virus” because we wouldn’t want to suggest that our neighbors to the south had anything to do with it? This is not a time for blatant partisanship. It is a time for all of us to come together to do our bit to fight this plague. I took the dog for his morning walk and the only car I saw on our streets was a police vehicle. It reminded me of a scene from Night of the Comet. Fortunately, I wasn’t attacked by zombies because the liberals were staying indoors as well as the conservatives. Traditionally, these outbreaks have been named after their place of origin. I recall that the 1918 flu was called the “Swedish flu?” Not hardly, it was called the “Spanish flu” because it was thought to have originated in Spain. And beyond that, China deserves our complete condemnation. First, you have markets where people eat disgusting fare like bats with no concern for the consequences of doing so. Second, you have a Commie regime that ignored and then tried to cover up this latest viral outbreak. Third, in a desperate attempt to save face, the regime even went so far to try to blame us, yes, the American military for the outbreak. Unfortunately for the Chi Coms, while they might be able to get away with such “fake news” in their own country, they can’t get away with brainwashing the rest of the world. Sympathy for China? To borrow one of Kid Rock’s favorite sayings, the Chi Coms can “kiss my a–!” And that goes for those in the media and the entertainment industry that are more concerned with PC than protecting our own citizens. Shame on them.

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